Influence of the form of representation of the elements of the technical system in the software on the difficulty of its algorithmic environment

Read Alekseev S. Yu. Influence of the form of representation of the elements of the technical system in the software on the difficulty of its algorithmic environment // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2018. — №4. — pp. 45-56.

Alekseev S. Yu. - Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Researcher, Tambov State Technical University, 106 Sovetskaya St., Tambov, 392000, Russian Federation,

The paper studies the influence of the form of representation of software abstractions on the complexity of software algorithms. A comparison of two forms of representation of abstractions from the point of view of their influence on the complexity of software algorithms has been performed. One form is made in accordance with the classical ideas regulated by object-oriented methods, the second one is based on the principle that abstractions should be made as close as possible to the terms of the subject area. We used formal methods for evaluating two variants of the software structure, based on the use of metrics. The first version operates with abstractions designed in the traditional way. The second option is based on a combination of object- and problem-oriented software design techniques. The result is a variant of the structure, which at first glance is not obvious from the point of view of object-oriented techniques, but is very close to the specifics of the subject area and has the advantage from the point of view of the static and dynamic characteristics of the software. Software composed of abstractions is a software system, the script of which in general consists of the scenarios of each abstraction and the script of their interaction. Most often, the script operates with instances of complex data structures. These data structures and their instances, implementing various forms of data representation, describe the elements of the domain. The static and dynamic characteristics of the algorithms of its operation, which operate on these representations, depend on the form of data presentation, form and level of abstraction when presenting elements of the applied area in the software system. The study was performed on the example of software for the design of wooden structures. This example is private, but it demonstrates the general patterns in the use of abstractions in complex scenarios.

Key words: информационные технологии, повышение эффективности вычислений, программная абстракция технической системы, проектирование технической системы, метрики программного обеспечения, уровень сложности, надежность разработки, information technologies, increase o