Identification of personality based on electronic documents with increased security level

Read Azhmukhamedov Iskandar M., Poletayev Nikita S., Stanishevskaya Alina V. Identification of personality based on electronic documents with increased security level // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2019. — №2. — pp. 170-179.

Azhmukhamedov Iskandar M. - Doct. Sci. (Engineering), Professor, Astrakhan State University

Poletayev Nikita S. - student, Astrakhan State University

Stanishevskaya Alina V. - undergraduate student, Astrakhan State Technical University

Identity documents play a big role in ensuring personal and public safety. However, the most widely used paper documents today have significant drawbacks. To eliminate them, a technique has been proposed that involves the combined use of steganographic and cryptographic algorithms. This paper describes approaches to the implementation of software that allows in practice to implement this technique. There are three main modules in the software: data encryption module; steganographic data embedding module in the image; a module for recording generated data on a smart card. Using the developed software allows you to get an identity document with a high level of protection from attacks on its integrity and the inability to use third parties, because without knowing the key, part of which is known only to the owner, and the other part is stored in the database of the public authority, it is impossible to decipher the embedded information.

Key words: electronic identification card, robust steganography algorithm, data flow diagram, cryptography, steganography, электронное удостоверение личности, робастный стеганографический алгоритм, диаграмма потоков данных, криптография, стеганография