Application of method of ranking of multicriteria alternatives for choice of scanning receivers and transceivers

Read Buy Le Va Application of method of ranking of multicriteria alternatives for choice of scanning receivers and transceivers // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2014. — №2. — pp. 35-47.

Buy Le Van - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatishchev St., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation,

In this paper, results apply the method of ranking multi criteria alternatives (ELECTRE) to make rational choices scanning receivers and transceivers. Optimal alternatives selection algorithm is composed of seven steps with ELECTRE method: establishment importance of criteria; computation the indices consent; computation the indices of disagreement; set a limit value index of agreement, disagreement; non-dominated alternative definition from each pair of alternatives; determining first kernel of non-dominated alternatives; establish new limit index values of agreement and disagreement to determine the following kernels of non-dominated alternatives. A specific example of choice rational devices on four criteria: sensitivity, work without recharging, number channel and price. Concluded that the use of the ranking multi criteria alternatives will provide a rational solution to the problem of choosing scanning receivers and transceivers of the number of devices on the market.

Key words: ELECTRE method, selection, scanning receiver, transceiver, the index of agreement, disagreements index, an alternative criterion ranking, метод ELECTRE, выбор, сканирующий приемник, трансивер, индекс согласия, индекс несогласия, альтернативы выбора, крите