Information security of glonass-based automated navigation systems for ground transportation monitoring and supervisory control

Read Botvinkin Pavel Viktorovich Information security of glonass-based automated navigation systems for ground transportation monitoring and supervisory control // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2014. — №3. — pp. 187-196.

Botvinkin Pavel Viktorovich - postgraduate student, Volgograd State Technical University, 28 Lenin av., Volgograd, 400005, Russian Federation,

In developed countries the creation and usage of satellite navigation systems for ground transportation monitoring has been helping to solve various problems for a long time, whereas in Russia similar systems based on GLONASS have been introduced relatively recently. Satellite monitoring is widely used to supervise ground transportation for solving logistical tasks, control of passenger and cargo traffic, optimization of courier services, providing the safety of passenger and freight transportation. Attackers in the case of gaining access to a system with read-permissions can illegally obtain information about the location of monitored objects. If attackers can access with write-permissions, they can affect the data in the system, intercepting or sending false data. Both of these options may entail serious negative consequences, and even cause casualties. Currently, the Russian authorities provide legislative stimulation for introduction of such systems at the municipal and commercial land transport, first of all at ambulance cars and city buses. The article describes the typical structure of such systems, the main protocols used to exchange data between their nodes; provides an overview of the most commonly used software and hardware solutions in such systems. In this article are also presented the possible issues of information security for such systems; recommendations for prevention and elimination of information security treats are made; directions of protection from adverse factors are listed.

Key words: information security, satellite navigation systems, monitoring and supervisory control of ground transportation, automated information-measuring systems, SCADA, GPS, GLONASS, информационная безопасность, спутниковые навигационные системы, мониторинг и дис