Methodology of process for producing with given svp electrotechnical parameters

Read Domkin Kirill I., Zatylkin Aleksandr V., Yurkov Nikolay K. Methodology of process for producing with given svp electrotechnical parameters // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2015. — №2. — pp. 161-172.

Domkin Kirill I. - post-graduate student, Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University, 26 Razin St., Kaluga, 248023, Russiaeration,

Zatylkin Aleksandr V. - Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Penza State University, 40 Krasnaya st., Penza, 440026, Russian Federation,

Yurkov Nikolay K. - D.Sc. (Engineering), Penza State University, 40 Krasnaya st., Penza, 440026, Russian Federation,

The results of analysis of the current status and trends of methods of protection of electrical circuits in technical systems. Revealed that the constraints widespread Resettable Fuses (MRAs) are, first, the difficulty of forecasting the output parameters SVP associated with insufficient study of the morphology of polymer-carbon systems, and secondly the lack of industrial production technologies SVP, providing the necessary repeatability (preservation) their output parameters. To eliminate these factors methodology proposed acquisition control hovercraft with given properties, helps secure the necessary repeatability (repeatability) of the output parameters of products. One element of novelty is the author's method of predicting nominal resistance SVP based on AFM analysis of the morphology of the original composites. An example of using the AFM analysis investigating the structure of the PCS SPM SMENA-A in tapping mode in the modes of topography and "phase contrast". Another element of novelty presented methodology is first introduced by gamma irradiation stage PCS. The choice of dose and exposure time is based on the author's methodology and related software. Presented in the results of the research have allowed to consider the PCS as a two-level macro model, in which the system is represented as a black box with a control input. Such representation PCS together with the author's method of predicting nominal resistance SVP and application of gamma irradiation PCS formed the basis of the proposed methodology acquisition control hovercraft with given properties, to ensure the necessary repeatability (reproducibility) of output parameters, as well as significantly improve the percolation threshold SVP. The results obtained are introduced to the scientific and industrial activity of "NII EMP" (Penza).

Key words: самовосстанавливающиеся предохранители, полимерно-углеродные системы, эксплуатационные параметры, воспроизводимость параметров, гамма облучение, информационные технологии, макромодель, прогнозирование, Resettable fuses, multifuses, polymer-carbon system,