The websites of executive authorities in Caspian Regions of Russia: analysis of the nomenclature, functionality and demand of resources

Read Brumshteyn Yu.M., Vaskovskiy Ye.Yu., Gorbacheva A.N. The websites of executive authorities in Caspian Regions of Russia: analysis of the nomenclature, functionality and demand of resources // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2016. — №4. — pp. 52-68.

Brumshteyn Yu.M. - Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor,

Vaskovskiy Ye.Yu. - post-graduate student,

Gorbacheva A.N. - programmer,

In article are considered features of Russian administrative and territorial division, corresponding to them executive authorities (EA). For Russian regions, adjacent to the Caspian Sea, are given population quantities and territories areas. Authors are shown the role of websites usage in the EA activities of these regions. In article is justified feasibility of the analysis of regional EA information presence in Internet at three hierarchical levels: regional (the region, the republic); district, local (municipality, village council etc.). Authors are analyzed the nomenclature and features of EA websites creation in Russian Caspian regions at different hierarchical levels, functionality of these websites, approaches to their information filling, the principles of interfaces with users organization etc. In article are provided tables with main characteristics for the websites of considered EA: times of homepages opening; estimates of websites page numbers; the numbers of internal links (as connectivity measure of information materials, placed at websites), the numbers of the entering and outgoing links - as a measure of websites information connectivity with Internet space; websites attendance indices. For the purposes of websites comparison is proved normalization expediency for some of the indicators. Also in article are estimated information refresh rates of EA websites at different hierarchical levels. Authors are drawn conclusions about merits and demerits of the considered websites

Key words: Россия, прикаспийские регионы, органы исполнительной власти, интернет-сайты, видимость сайтов, востребованность сайтов, управление востребованностью, информационные технологии, информационное присутствие, методы анализа, методы управления, поисковые систе