Mathematical modelling of heat and mass transfer in colloidal liquid evaporating from the cell under a mask and IR-radiation heating

Read Kolegov K.S. Mathematical modelling of heat and mass transfer in colloidal liquid evaporating from the cell under a mask and IR-radiation heating // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2016. — №4. — pp. 85-98.

Kolegov K.S. - Senior Lecturer, Caspian Institute of Sea & River Transport the branch of the Volga State University of Water Transport, 6/14 Nikolskaya St., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation, Junior Researcher, Astrakhan State University, 20Р° Tatishchev St., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation,

This work is devoted to a theoretical studying of IR radiation-assisted evaporative lithography. Polymer coatings with periodic topographic patterns, repeating over millimeter length scales, are created from lateral flows in an aqueous dispersion of colloidal particles. The flow is driven by differences in evaporation rate across the wet film surface created by IR radiative heating through a shadow mask. The author constructs mathematical model, which describes dynamics of colloidal liquid, evolution of a mass fraction of latex particles in water solution, transfer of heat in a liquid layer and the substrate. The results of numerical calculations predict a temperature gradient in a colloidal film, which reaches several degrees. Dynamics of temperature in liquid considerably depends on a heat release by substrate at small values of Graetz number. IR radiation passes through the hole in the mask and heats a thin liquid layer and the substrate under it.

Key words: теплоперенос, массоперенос, коллоидная жидкость, испарительная литография, инфракрасное излучение, математическое моделирование, нагрев подложки, микро- и наночастицы, латекс, вода, heat transfer, mass transfer, colloidal liquid, evaporative lithography,