Projected Reconsideration of Personnel Politics by Regional Universities

Read Brumshteyn Yuriy M., Ivanova Mariya V., Pugina Nadezhda N. Projected Reconsideration of Personnel Politics by Regional Universities  // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2013. — №1. — pp. 41-50.

Brumshteyn Yuriy M. - Ph.D. (Engineering), Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev St., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation, phone 8 (8512) 61-08-43, e-mail:,

Ivanova Mariya V. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev St., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation, phone 8 (8512) 61-08-43,

Pugina Nadezhda N. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev St., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation, phone 8 (8512) 61-08-43,

The article urges regional universities (RUs) to reconsider the ultimate aim of their personnel politics, re-characterize their basic processes, and consider the possibility of changing the size and structure of their lecturing staff. It also calls on them to determine whether the current RU heads could manage these processes. Subsequently, the critique discusses the suitability of using mathematical models to forecast personnel processes in RUs; possible approaches to imitating modeling organization in such procedures; preconditions for formalizing the personnel modeling processes; and a divisional scheme for groups and subgroups of lecturers accepted for the modeling process. At this stage, the paper offers a system of differential equations (DE) to describe the dynamics of personnel processes, with this function undertaken within the limits of the mathematical model. For its part, the model considers such processes for RUs as «top skills» professional preparation, personnel «overflow» between groups and subgroups into universities, termination of personnel labor activity, transfer of employees to other organizations, hiring of new employees and other random factors. The document has analyzed all the DE components, describing models and presenting possible variants of components for increasing the model’s adequacy. It would also question the structure and volume of the initial data appearing in the model. For computer operations, the model would use a dual-layer scheme (relating to time and questions of choice). In conclusion, the blueprint has demonstrated the efficiency of using «spreadsheet» leafs as containers for organizing information input-output, and for presenting modeling results in visual format. In addition, it has considered methods for assignment and definition of DE-related coefficients, including the reliance on factual data for expert estimations and «calibration».

Key words: regional universities,lecture staff,structure,dynamics,processes,influencing factors,formation sources,mathematical models,computer modeling,model calibration,calculating schemes