The Influence of Sarin, Soman and Tabun on the Structural Components of the Cellular Membrane

Read Sirotin Andrey N., Zharkikh Lesya I., Alykov Nariman M. The Influence of Sarin, Soman and Tabun on the Structural Components of the Cellular Membrane  // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2013. — №1. — pp. 71-77.

Sirotin Andrey N. - undergraduate student, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyan Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation, e-mail:,

Zharkikh Lesya I. - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyan Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation, e-mail:,

Alykov Nariman M. - D.Sc. (Chemistry), Professor, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyan Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation, e-mail:,

The article investigates the problems related to the influence of the sarin, soman and tabun (SSandT) nerve agents on cellular membranes. As a pre-step, the paper has divided the cellular membranes (CM) into separate components – proteins, fats and carbohydrates – in order to research the steadiest adsorptive complexes (ACs) into the components by SSandT. Moreover, quantum-chemical calculations were conducted based on the GAMESS program complex (offering the semiempirical PM3 method). The document then states that SSandT adsorptive complexes were constructed – indicating their influence on the CM components – with the aim of selecting the steadiest complexes. The constructions calculated the basic charging, energy and geometrical characteristics in adsorptive complexes. Subsequently, they selected some basic variants, having the greatest minimum depth of adsorption energy from all the possible alternatives. The reason, the critique relates, is that less energy is expended in forming the sorbate-sorbent bond, enabling AC formation to be more durable. The commentary has presented several interaction schemes for AC groups, finding that active SSandT agents focus their influence on the CM components. In conclusion, the study found the selective impact of SSandT on CMs: sarin interacts most actively and forms the steadiest АC with carbohydrates, soman interacts with proteins, and tabun interacts with fats.

Key words: mathematical modeling,molecular interaction,quantum-chemical calculations,molecular modeling,interaction models,interaction scheme,sarin,soman,tabun,membrane components,active centers of influence