Modeling of physical operating principle of sensitive semiconductor elements on the basis of tensoresistive effect

Read  Modeling of physical operating principle of sensitive semiconductor elements on the basis of tensoresistive effect  // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2009. — №1. — pp. 39-43.

Using of the theory of energy-information models of circuits allows automating the synthesis of new technical solutions. For the extension of area of automatically synthesized technical devices and synthesis algorithm simplification using of universal composite structural units of synthesis besides elementary links is offered. For measurement of various mechanical values a tensoresistive effect is often used. Models of semiconductor sensitive elements on the basis of tensoresistive effect are developed. It’s possible to use them at the automated synthesis of a physical operating principle on the stage of conceptual designing.

Key words: the theory of energy-information models of circuits,tensoresistive effect,resistive-strain sensor,physicotechnical effect,parameter,value.