The comparative analysis of opportunitiesproject management system distributed by saas model
Read | Brumshteyn Yuriy M., Dudikov Ivan A. The comparative analysis of opportunitiesproject management system distributed by saas model // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2014. — №4. — pp. 34-51. |
Brumshteyn Yuriy M. - Ph.D. (Engineering), Astrakhan State University, 20Р° Tatishchev St., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation,
Dudikov Ivan A. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 20Р° Tatishchev St., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation,
In article have been performed systems analysis for groups of factors and information types, which can be necessary to consider in case of project management (PM) decision-making. It is shown that storage/processing of the considerable part of such information can't be realized in the existing software for PM (SfPM). Authors gives a brief description of PM methodologies and in this regard expedient functionality of SfPM. In article compared the functionality of software distributed by SaaS model (software as a service) and software installed on servers or stand-alone PC. Authors analyzed the main advantages of the SfPM based on the SaaS model: the possibility of payment only for the period of actual usage (time of planning and project implementation); ease of implementation in case of organizations distributed structure or significant amount of users; high operational reliability and accessibility to users; no additional users for support of software working capacity and it maintenance substation; systematic updating software by developers to the latests versions; reduction in end users cost of ownership at the expense of intermediate distributors exception. Authors compare the detail characteristics of the main SfPM distributed by SaaS access model: LiquidPlanner; Vertabase; Clarizen; Comindwork; 1C-Bitriks: Corporate portal; Megaplan; Advanta 2.0; Planfix; Planio; Worksection. Functionality of these SfPM within the analysis is devided into two groups: the general functions (which are present in all SfPM) and special (is only in some SfPM). For the second group of functions in article performed comparative analysis of functional capabilities (FC) for different options of their implementation in software. Special attention is paid to management of risks and quality in projects. Offered the quantitative indices for assessment of FC set for specific SfPM: a share of the general FC, which present in all PMS; a share of special FC which are available not in all SfPM; share of all FC in specific SfPM in percentage of FC nomenclature for all considered SfPM. Authors offered the selection term for optimum SfPM - taking into account the nomenclature, quantity and features of projects, supposed for planning and implementation.
Key words: проекты, системы управления проектами, сервис управления проектами, модель доступа SaaS, методологии управления проектами, сравнительный анализ, функциональные возможности, качество планирования, управление рисками, оптимальный выбор, информационная подде