Read Khomenko Tatyana V., Vasilyeva Tatyana V.  // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2012. — №1. — pp. 158-164.

Khomenko Tatyana V. - Candidate of Technical sciences, Astrakhan State Technical University, 414025, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva 16, t_v_homenko@

Vasilyeva Tatyana V. - Assistant, State Technical University, 414025, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva 16, vasilevatv77@

The existing automated system of search designing «Intellekt» provides automation of ranging of the synthesized variants of technical decisions of a stage of conceptual designing on set of ten operational characteristics, attributed to each physicotechnical effect entering into the synthesized variant of a physical principle of action of a sensitive element. All operational characteristics have numerical values. However, one part of operational characteristics of set pays off on the basis of basic concepts of a power-information method, value of operational characteristics, other part of set there is a result of processing of the expert information, that is values of these operational characteristics, in a subjectivity consequence, can carry both accurate, and indistinct character. Modern methods and algorithms of the device of indistinct sets and the indistinct logic allow to carry out the ranging of the synthesized decisions spent by criterion, values which component, are presented not only is homogeneous – quantitatively, but also it is diverse – quantitatively and-or qualitatively. Realization of algorithms of ranging by non-uniform criterion will allow to increase potential of the automated systems of search designing. In article results of the comparative analysis of quality of ranging are resulted at indistinct values a component of criterion of estimation of technical decisions and at criterion, values which component, received after them defuzzification by various methods. On the basis of what, the conclusion is drawn on expediency of reduction of diverse criterion to the homogeneous criterion containing components which values are presented only numerically.

Key words: physical principle of operation,sensors,search engine design,automated systems,performance,energy-information method,ranking,defuzzification of fuzzy values