Read Panphilov Stepan A., Nekrasova Ninel R.  // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2012. — №2. — pp. 12-18.

Panphilov Stepan A. - Sc.D. (Engineering), Mordovian State University, 430005, Russia, Saransk, 68, Bolsheviks st.,

Nekrasova Ninel R. - Ph.D. (Engineering), Mordovian State University, 430005, Russia, Saransk, 68, Bolsheviks st.,

The modern national educational standarts at the university include a significant reduction in the number of classroom hours for study and development of the discipline. Obviously, in detail learning all of the educational material in the allotted in schedule time is impossible. In this paper, the authors proposed a way to solve this problem in the learning process of students of engineering directions on the example of teaching general vocational course "Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering." This paper discusses the create and apply of training videos in engineering education on example of teaching electrical engineering. The material is accompanied by text and pictures. In video lesson voice of teacher in sync with the display of frames and sufficiently available mimics the lecture in the classroom. In the texts and illustrations used animation and the computer graphic, which makes it easier and easier in learning. Experiences use of training films on faculty has shown that study of educational material is more fully and in a short period of time. It is interesting that the video can be played over and over again, repeating frames, or the all of film. Discusses requirements for the of video lessons, their dignity and value in the educational process.

Key words: video for learning,video lesson for learning,electrical engineering,multimedia technologies,engineering education