Reflection of regional univesities scientific activity on Internet-sites: system analysis of information security questions

Read Brumsteyn Yuriy M., Bondarev Andrey A., Fedotova Anna V., Ivanova Mariya V. Reflection of regional univesities scientific activity on Internet-sites: system analysis of information security questions // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2014. — №2. — pp. 85-100.

Brumsteyn Yuriy M. - Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 20Р° Tatishchev St., 414056, Astrakhan, Russian Federation,

Bondarev Andrey A. - Head of Internet-technologies department, Astrakhan State University, 20Р° Tatishchev St., 414056, Astrakhan, Russian Federation,

Fedotova Anna V. - D.Sc. (Biology), Vice-Rector for Research, Astrakhan State University, 20Р° Tatishchev St., 414056, Astrakhan, Russian Federation,

Ivanova Mariya V. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 20Р° Tatishchev St., 414056, Astrakhan, Russian Federation,

Authors show for regional universities relevance and importance of information security (IS) questions connected with scientific activity (SA) and Internet usage. In article is consideredin detail the structure of universities SA information, which is published on their websites and other Internet resources - including personal Internet-pages of the employees. It is emphasized, that existing standard means of Internet-sites statistics collectiondo not provide the necessary opportunities for analysis of actual demand for separate types of the materials, connected with universities SA. In article is proved that for SA it is possible to consider as the main threats of IS the following: absence of necessary information on universitiessites; delay with its placement; incompleteness and inaccuracy of SA information; low popularity of this information in Russian and international information space; hacker attacks to universitiessites. The objective and subjective reasons of these threats are considered. Possible measures for decreasing risks of SA ISare considered, taking into account restrictions on resources, conveniences of Internet users work and other factors.

Key words: regional higher education institution, scientific activity, Internet site, information search, information security, structure of threats, management of safety, resource restrictions, региональный вуз, научная деятельность, интернет-сайт, поиск информации