Read Galina Pavlovna Stefanova  // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2012. — №1. — pp. 52-57.

Galina Pavlovna Stefanova - Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor, Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev Street, Astrakhan, Russia, 414056,

The author describes the conditions of arrangement and ways to manage the teaching at school by using of videoconferencing. It is proposed to create a uniform educational environment “school – Institution of Higher Education” involving the connection of educational institutions using high-speed communication links to the computer network of Astrakhan State University. The author found out the peculiarities of the innovative educational environment, being created, and specified the objectives of this educational resource application. The main specific feature of the educational network is that it is distributed over the local area computer network. To access to the network resources the Internet access is not necessary, that simplifies the access mechanism greatly and reduces the telecommunication costs. The pool of educational and methodical materials for implementing videoconferencing during lessons is described. The developed method of conducting classes means a compulsory organization of motivational stage. As a result students have a motivation, a need to study new material or to master certain skills. Teachers can give presentations during their classes, “development mechanisms” of phenomena and their explanation can be presented by means of animation. It is pointed out, that an important aspect of videoconferencing is a feedback link with students. Attracting of school students to discuss different problems and finding solutions of them helps to improve the quality of knowledge and develop students’ creative abilities. The author considers fundamentally new management facilities and communication possibilities.

Key words: management of education,new educational resource,videoconferencing,uniform educational environment,project “School- Institution of Higher Education”,objectives of the project,pool of educational and methodical materials on the application of videoconferen