Read Urakseev Marat A.  // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2012. — №2. — pp. 93-100.

Urakseev Marat A. - Sc.D. (Technics), Professor, Ufa State Aviation Technical University, 453000, Bashkortostan, Ufa, 12, K. Marx st.,

Avdonina Nadejda A., Ph.D. (Technics), branch Ufa State Aviation Technical University in of Kumertau, 453000, Bashkortostan, Kumertau, 24, K. Marx st., e-mail: The condition of polarization of a light wave on an exit of optical system under the influence of Faradey’s effect where observable sizes are turn of the plane of polarization of linearly polarized radiation, its elliptichnost and change of its intensity when passing through a magnitoactive element (MAE) is defined. It is shown that for lack of an external magnetic field intensity of light radiation is determined by Malyus’s law, and at influence of an external magnetic field the plane of polarization of linearly polarized light in MAE will turn in addition on a corner of faradeevsky rotation. The factors leading to losses of light by introduction of factor of g, considering reflection and absorption of light radiation in a polarizer and in MAE and factor of p considering not ideality of system a polarizer analyzer in crossed situation are established. Taking into account saturation ferrite – a garnet film influences of total density of energy of interaction of MAE with an external magnetic field are defined. The expression connecting intensity of a stream of light radiation of I on an exit of the magnetooptical converter of a current (MOPT) with intensity of an external magnetic field of H, enclosed to MAE, is received by parameters of a film and elements of optical system. For definition of the greatest influences of parameters on size of intensity of radiation the magnetooptical converter of an electric current is carried out the analysis of mathematical model. Dependences of intensity of a light stream on change of capacity of optical radiation at its passing through the air environment, optical system of the converter and a fiber light guide are defined. On the basis of the received schedules settlement dependences of intensity on MOPT exit from parameters optical systems are considered. Dependences of intensity of light radiation on electric and magnetic properties of a magnitoactive element of magnetooptical system are defined. On the basis of the analysis of the received dependences are drawn a conclusion on influence on intensity of light radiation of various parameters of a magnitoaktivny element when passing light via the magnetooptical converter of an electric current in a look ferrite – a garnet epitaksialny film.

Key words: Faradey’s magnetooptical effect,rotation of the plane of the polarization,linearly polarized light,external magnetic field,polarization condition,magnetooptical converter of a current,Malyus’s law,mathematical model,intensity of radiation,magnitoaktivny e