Increase of efficiency of optical information transmission to insects using method of external filtration

Read Pleshkova Julia A., Likhter Anatoly M. Increase of efficiency of optical information transmission to insects using method of external filtration // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2012. — №3. — pp. 62-71.

Pleshkova Julia A. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414056, Russia,,

Likhter Anatoly M. - D.Sc. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414056, Russia,,

In several previous papers the authors show that energy and information characteristics of optical information transmission to insects depend on parameters such as season and day time, features of the geographical landscape of the area, as well as the geometric dimensions of biocybernetic system (BCS). The value of the function “signal/noise ratio” can not exceed a maximum value due to the above factors as well as the choice of radiation source and belonging of receptor visual organs of insect to one of the possible classes: monochrome, dichrome or triachrome ones. To increase the number of optical information transmitted to insects and, consequently, to rise the efficiency of insect behavior control it is proposed to use the method of external (optical) filtration, which consists in introduction of selective optical filter to the information transmission channel which parameters are calculated from the conditions of maximizing the information capacity channel. The paper is devoted to modeling of optical information transmission to insect using the optical filter, which is in the biocybernetic system (BCS), consisting of power control signal, selective optical filter, channel of communication (external environment) and management object (insect). Our mathematical model considers the noise from artificial sources of electromagnetic radiation in the optical range and the influence of the regime of natural light in different season and day time, the geometric parameters of BCS and the landscape area features on the energy and information characteristics of the process of information transmission.

Key words: Mathematical modeling,Biocybernetic system (BCS),Optical radiation,Information transmission,Insects,Random number sensor,Method of optical filtration