Practice-oriented technologies when studying course of general physics for students nonphysical specialities

Read Tishkova Svetlana A. Practice-oriented technologies when studying course of general physics for students nonphysical specialities // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2012. — №3. — pp. 167-172.

Tishkova Svetlana A. - Ph.D. (Pedagogics), Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414056, Russia,,

This paper focuses on practice-oriented approach to teaching physics for students of non-physical specialities. General physics is studied by students in the first years of high school. During this period they poorly imagine what knowledge of physics may be useful in their future professional work. In this connection there is need for training so that already in the junior courses students of nonphysical specialities have to understand where and how to apply physical knowledge in their future profession. The paper focuses on the use of practically significant problems when giving seminars with chemical students. The practice-oriented approach, which involves the collective work of students, is used. Based on this approach, students develop projects in which physical knowledge are used to solve chemical problems. The scenarios of practice-oriented training of students, topics and project presentations are developed. The fragment of such a lesson is illustrated. Practice-oriented activities help students to understand better physical phenomena and laws, and work in subgroups helps to prepare them to perform collective tasks that students will solve in the course of their professional activities.

Key words: Practice-oriented approach,Studying physics,Methods of teaching physics,Practically significant problems,Physics for students of nonphysical specialities,Professional activity,Chemical students