System of key performance indicatorsfor the software development project

Read Belov Aleksandr G., Kravets Alla G. System of key performance indicatorsfor the software development project // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2014. — №4. — pp. 11-22.

Belov Aleksandr G. - post-graduate student, Volgograd State Technical University, 28 Lenin Avenue, Volgograd, 400005, Russian Federation,

Kravets Alla G. - D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Volgograd State Technical University, 28 Lenin Avenue, Volgograd, 400005, Russian Federation,

Creating a system of key performance indicators for a software development project using the concept of the Balanced Scorecard is a complex task encompassing issues of product design, schedule management, quality management, as well as the project team. Planning software development should be organized by stages where each stage has new release as a result. The performance assessment of the plan and the resources level occurs at the end of each stage. In developing a system of indicators, priority should be given to quality indicators in comparison with quantitative. Determination of the quality performance criteria based on the principles of project management and method of work breakdown structure. Performance indicators should be supplemented by estimates that determine the quality requirements. Developing of a system of key performance indicators provides to optimize collaboration, gives better planning results, resorting to iterative methods, specifying the requirements for each of the stages. Application of performance matrices allows manage of developers performance, evaluate the quality of the result, and use it as a feedback tool. The article describes the experience of using the system performance indicators for a project of develop a software.

Key words: ключевые показатели деятельности, целевое управление, сбалансированная система показателей, проектное управление, разработка тиражного программного обеспечения, совместная работа, матрица результативности, коэффициент персональной результативности, key pe