Hardware and software system for the analysis of current-voltage characteristics of bioactive points based on module L-CARD E20-10

Read Surzhikova Svetlana Ye., Shatalova Olga V., Fedyanin Vadim V. Hardware and software system for the analysis of current-voltage characteristics of bioactive points based on module L-CARD E20-10 // Caspian journal : management and high technologies. — 2015. — №2. — pp. 150-161.

Surzhikova Svetlana Ye. - post-graduate student, South-West State University, 94 50 let Oktyabrya St., Kursk, 305040, Russian Federation,

Shatalova Olga V. - Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, South-West State University, 94 50 let Oktyabrya St., Kursk, 305040, Russian Federation,

Fedyanin Vadim V. - post-graduate student, South-West State University, 94 50 let Oktyabrya St., Kursk, 305040, Russian Federation,

To classify the functional state of organs and systems of the person, the detection and differential diagnosis of socially significant diseases, the authors propose to use the analysis of current-voltage characteristics of biomaterials in anomalous zones of conductivity, that is, in bioactive points. Morphological integrity requirements can be satisfied by using an automated system that includes data-collection unit connected to a PC, communication unit and corresponding software for data acquisition and analysis of the results. The automated system allows for a controlled period of time to obtain a set of required readings for the current-voltage characteristics of the single active electrode to the surface of skin of the person. This allows not only to identify bioactive points, but also to conduct in-depth analysis of their characteristics. When analyzing the state (characteristics) of biological object can be used voltage-current characteristic for a single bioactive points and their group associated with a separate body or all of it.

Key words: автоматизированная система, вольтамперные характеристики биоматериалов, аномальные зоны электропроводности, анализ данных, алгоритмы анализа, информативные признаки, информационные технологии, automated system, data analysis, algorithm analysis, the curre